Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome Includes: Type II Diabetes, Hyperlipidemia, Insulin Resistance, Obesity, Non Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD)

Signs and Symptoms:

Obesity (especially abdominal): waist circumference >40″ in males; >35″ in females; High Fasting Insulin (we strive to get our patients <10); Fasting Glucose >100 mg/dl; Hypertension: Systolic BP >130, Diastolic BP >85; Dyslipidemia: HDL <40 mg/dl male, <50 mg/dl female, Triglycerides >150, High Levels of Uric Acid

Other Conditions Associated With Metabolic Syndrome: Chronic Stress, Chemical Toxicity, Sleep Issues, Dysbiosis (Toxic Bowel), Chronic Inflammation, Hormone Imbalance, Chronic Fatigue

Other Diseases Linked To Metabolic Syndrome: PCOS, Chronic Kidney Disease, Dementia, Gout, Type II Diabetes (5x risk), Cardiovascular Disease (2x risk)

The first thing that most doctors do when a patient has elevated Glucose is to prescribe Metformin (Glucophage) or another oral medication for Type II Diabetes. Prescribing these medications is not getting to the root causes of metabolic disorders and they are actually making the patient worse!

Why Medications (like Metformin) For Type II Diabetes Are Dangerous

The first thing that most doctors do when a patient has elevated Glucose is to prescribe Metformin (Glucophage) or another oral medication for Type II Diabetes. Prescribing these medications is not getting to the root causes of metabolic disorders and they are actually making the patient worse!

Although these drugs may be effective in lowering Glucose or A1C numbers, most are no more than a “band-aid” therapy. Medications for Type II Diabetes do nothing to address the underlying condition, plus they have serious side effects, including weight gain, elevated Cholesterol and Triglyceride levels, and even an increased risk for Cardiovascular Disease. These are all things you are already at increased risk for if you are diabetic. So why would you want to take a drug that puts you on a fast track for serious health complications?

Most of the public is not aware of an important study, the results of which were published in 2008: Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD). This large, government-funded trial was designed to evaluate medications used to lower blood sugar in patients with Type II Diabetes and their effect on reducing heart attacks, strokes, and death from heart disease. The arm of the trial that was focused on diabetic patients was abruptly shut down because it found that just the opposite was true. Study participants who were on meds aimed at driving down blood sugar had a much higher cardiovascular death rate.

The news about ACCORD was not surprising, considering that researchers have known about the fatal complications of medications for Type II Diabetes since 1969, when results of the University Group Diabetes Program were made public. Just like ACCORD, this study had to be stopped two years early because participants who were taking diabetes medications had a 250 to 300 percent higher death rate than those taking the placebo. One of the two drugs used in the 1969 study, Phenformin, was shown to be so deadly that it was taken off the market. Yet this drug’s close cousin, Metformin, is the most popular diabetes drug used today. Dr. Joseph Mercola, the most well known author and online expert in the field of Holistic Medicine has stated that “Metformin is Mitochondrial Poison!”

Metabolic Syndrome/Diabetes Can Be Cured Using Powerful Natural Nutritional Supplements and Healthy Eating Habits

Our Successful Metabolic Syndrome Diagnostics and Treatment Program:

  • We begin the diagnostic process with a very thorough blood panel including: Fasting Glucose, Fasting Insulin, HgA1C, Comprehensive Metabolic Panel (CMP), Lipid Panel, LDH and GGT (for detection of chronic liver conditions), Full Thyroid Panel (9 different tests), Cardio C-Reactive Protein (for inflammation), Vit D, Methylmalonic Acid, C-Peptide. After these test results are analyzed, a recommended. customized treatment plan will be implemented.
  • Next we give the patient Dietary Guidelines “Eat To Live” by Dr. David Ramsey. This alone (when patients adhere closely to it) can significantly improve a patient’s metabolic health and greatly help with weight loss, weight management, help restore gut health, and overall optimum health
    Along with the healthy dietary guidelines, we put patients on very effective One Month Detox/Purification Program to cleanse the GI System and liver.
  • Finally, we prescribe a customized nutrition supplement program consisting of powerful Whole Food Concentrates and Herbal Therapies to restore health in the gut, liver, kidneys, cardiovascular system, and pancreas, or wherever needed to restore the patient to vibrant health and wellness. Our ultimate goal is for the patient to completely sever themselves from their former label: “Metabolic Syndrome Patient”.
    We monitor the treatment program successes with subsequent blood lab testing. The proof is in the lab results!
You Truly Are What You Eat!

“The King” of Metabolic Syndrome